Friday, August 27, 2010

Be Constant like the Breath

Constancy is inseparable from our breath, which is self less, constant and unending. Every thing ends if it ends. So is the effort. One ingredient that is required constantly to achieve any goal is Constant Effort. Being Consistent. There is no power that can stop anybody from achieving his aspirations and dreams.

Planing Effectively, Starting to implement it, feeling good that what you want to achieve you have taken step for it, doing it for some time, we get some results. Again we feel good. What happens next. The small achievement at times becomes an illusion. At times we consider we have achieved all and just relax thinking our work is done. We feel if we take a pause its Ok and that's where we get Trapped easily. We follow the schedule of waking up early for a week, we also do the exercise, we feel good, we follow the diet plan well, we keep our mood in check, anger in check, and then we say Its okay if i don do it today, its okay to take a break, skip it for a day.

Attitude for not following it for one day continues for next day then third day and then a habit forms not to do it.Constancy will fill our lives with sweet fruits of long term benefit. Its important to choose the beneficial than the pleasurable.

Be Constant in what you choose to do, choose that is beneficial and enjoy life

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Begin Again !!!!

To start and march to achieve our goals, is a great beginning. We are always very very enthusiastic, full of energy, full of focus and determination when we begin .We have so much zest that it feels we have almost reach out goal. Isn’t it. Question is how lone does it last ?

Our initial energy lasts only for some time , few days few weeks , few months at times and few years. We Say I started learning music for few years and then I stopped. I learnt to dance for few years and then it just didn't happen , for most of us its a simple thing of getting up in the morning , exercising, going for a walk , small things which would help us achieve things better and faster. But after some time we just don’t happen to do it. We are back to our delightful daily late waking up routine.

So what to do now , we know we need to wake up do things on time , learn things to reach our dreams , reach our Aspirations. BEGIN AGAIN. YES, without wasting to much of time in feeling guilty about ourselves, or cursing the circumstances and people . Just begin again. Once again start it and you will reach the road where you have left it, at a faster rate than before and eventually reach your destination.

Take Step to Start again, its you who is witness of your actions, so don’t worry. Just Begin Again.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Strong Base - Long Race

The deeper the water level, higher is the silence on the surface and the place around it.In the same way stronger is the base of the person about the basics required to walk a certain path longer he can run the race.

You must have definitely seen a Banyan tree, and a Bamboo tree. There is one thing very much common in them, and that is their base is very strong. Their roots are deep, very deep inside the soil. So the main energy to grow comes from within the soil. External factors do not matter, weather it rains or no rain, Hot or cold weather, they are least affected, unlike others who dry up in absence of water. This is a metamorphic example and is debatable.

However the point in the context of which I have shared the above example is, we need to have a strong base , so that we can stand in all conditions, specifically all unfavorable condition. And that is possible when we are strong in our base. What is the base I am talking about?

I am talking about the belief in yourself, the faith that you have in yourself. The strength of your aspiration. The fire of your goals. The constancy of your effort. The sharpness of your focus .The stability of your mind. The clarity of your intentions. The blessings of your mind.
Take some out for your self and see how strong your base is, and how long it will support you to reach your Aspirations 

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Check the tools you have

When ever we, plan to go on a vacation we ensure that we have all the required material with us. So that every thing works fine, and we enjoy every part of it. Do we do the same when we plan about our dreams ???

Very few of us do that and for sure their dreams get fulfilled. Most of us feel it will happen on its own, or will eventually happen some day. What is important is that you should have a time limit set for dreams to achieve. When is that when you want ? One month , 6 months, one year, 3 years, When ?? This should be clear in your mind.

Next very important thing is to check, do you have all that you need to fulfill your dreams in the time that you have set ? Are the circumstances around you, the work you doing right now, the speed at which you doing it, going to take you where you want to go in the time required?
You need to check are you expecting to cover a distance that a plane travels in one hour by sitting in a Car ? Or Are you trying to cut 50 logs in a day with the help of an Axe ? Or you wanna use a cutting tool ? Just cross check you have the right vehicle the right speed vehicle, to reach in time.

Think about it , If you are serious it needs a deep though process to figure out what to do next.

Enjoy your journey


Monday, August 9, 2010

U will Find Time

Time is such a fantastic thing of this universe. Just imagine what it would be if time does not exists. Every thing revolves around time. what we keep on watching every now and then is our wrist watch :) isn't it

Wake up time, breakfast time, office time, lunch time, tea time, shopping time, movie time, diner time, party time, study time, blogging time, reading time, calling time, school time, cooking time- so on and so forth,unending list of things and we still say we don't have time :)

We actually never see what we have, what we do, because we have tendency to think about what we don't have, What we cannot do or what has not been done. And you know what we have Great Time, to give for this kind of thinking. So by now you must have got an idea where our time is going.

The irony is we say we don't have,for the only thing which we have :) think about this. We have almost no complete control on other things and facts of life, we cannot call them completely ours, but TIME its yours. Completely yours,200% you have the right how to use it, what to do in the time you have. When you realize it, I assure you, you will find time for every thing. And you will find enough time to for those things which you actually want to do.

Do you think its a magik,Yes it is and you can perform this magik. Its easy, just one thing required give few moments for yourself every day, just few at the beginning. May be when you are just stepping out of the house, or when you are just having a sip of coffee, waiting at a signal to go green, waiting for the lift, waiting for the meeting to start... give these moments to yourself. Review your day in these times and see, great insights will shine from inside to guide your way to your destination.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Accept Yourself

We always focus on what others are and they have rather than looking at what we have. Its Said and we all know that we are all equal , we all have the same potential within us and there is not even a minute difference in it. Then let it be Bill Gates, or and other business men, or may be you and me.

The difference would be how we look at it or rather what we look at in ourselves. The difference is how much we know our self. You can ask this question, what all do I know about myself? How much am I aware of what I am doing ? Its a few level deep question to be answered to yourself.

Now once you know yourself , Good about you - Enjoy it ,Thank God for all the good in you. How about the Bad part in you ? how you look at it , how you tackle it , first of all do you accept it? Do you accept yourself as you are along with the Good and Bad ? Give a minutes thought to it, and see what comes up for you .

Accepting ourselves is respecting ourselves fully . Be convinced with yourself . Enjoy yourself as you are , and then the magik will stream forth.


Monday, August 2, 2010

Its your Dream that makes you feel contented.

We always feel 98% happy and not 100%, Why ? Have you thought about it. We do all things at work but some where , some time we feel this is not what I want to do , but still have no choice and have to keep doing what you are doing. Thats absolutely fine keep doing it till you actually find a route to do what you want to do. The important thing is we keep our dreams alive and constantly march in the direction to fulfill them. That would be the best way of living a fulfilled life.

Life will be contented if you are able to do what you like and enjoy doing it. There is a constant unstructed Stream of enthusiasm and happiness when you like the work you do,and that is possible when you actually love what you do, also apart from you no one else knows the best what you wish to do :) Life feels successful when your dream comes true. YOur Dream your Aspiration is infact your life.

Its not given to you by any one , its your own wish , your own desire to have it, to achieve it. And you know what? behind each dream there is a purpose hidden that will be beneficial for others. So Go for it . March ahead in the direction of your aspirations.

Make your own path , walk your own path , its yours . You will enjoy the journey.Its this journey of fulfilling dreams that makes you feel contented and that is 100% happiness.
