Thursday, September 16, 2010

Be Kind to yourself.

In the process of achieving the goals in our lives, at times we move so fast that ,we just forget to think little about our self I am specifically telling about the health part in our lives .

It is equally important that we strick the balance between both, our aspirations as well as our health. Its equally important firstly because we need to be alive to enjoy our achievements, we need to be in the condition to enjoy what we have achieved, we should have enough time to relish the fruit of our efforts,else what is the use of doing all the stuff.

Secondly healthy mind and body is itself a great support for success. Its a Teriffic storehouse of enthusiasm and energy to take you across any situation, and is the best companion with you throughout your journey of success.

So be kind to yourself, ensure you don't exert yourself so much that you just loose your senses to track exactly what you are doing and where you are going.

Relish every time in your voyage for happy life Live it fully , by being with yourself .

All the very best to you !!!!!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Be Constant like the Breath

Constancy is inseparable from our breath, which is self less, constant and unending. Every thing ends if it ends. So is the effort. One ingredient that is required constantly to achieve any goal is Constant Effort. Being Consistent. There is no power that can stop anybody from achieving his aspirations and dreams.

Planing Effectively, Starting to implement it, feeling good that what you want to achieve you have taken step for it, doing it for some time, we get some results. Again we feel good. What happens next. The small achievement at times becomes an illusion. At times we consider we have achieved all and just relax thinking our work is done. We feel if we take a pause its Ok and that's where we get Trapped easily. We follow the schedule of waking up early for a week, we also do the exercise, we feel good, we follow the diet plan well, we keep our mood in check, anger in check, and then we say Its okay if i don do it today, its okay to take a break, skip it for a day.

Attitude for not following it for one day continues for next day then third day and then a habit forms not to do it.Constancy will fill our lives with sweet fruits of long term benefit. Its important to choose the beneficial than the pleasurable.

Be Constant in what you choose to do, choose that is beneficial and enjoy life

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Begin Again !!!!

To start and march to achieve our goals, is a great beginning. We are always very very enthusiastic, full of energy, full of focus and determination when we begin .We have so much zest that it feels we have almost reach out goal. Isn’t it. Question is how lone does it last ?

Our initial energy lasts only for some time , few days few weeks , few months at times and few years. We Say I started learning music for few years and then I stopped. I learnt to dance for few years and then it just didn't happen , for most of us its a simple thing of getting up in the morning , exercising, going for a walk , small things which would help us achieve things better and faster. But after some time we just don’t happen to do it. We are back to our delightful daily late waking up routine.

So what to do now , we know we need to wake up do things on time , learn things to reach our dreams , reach our Aspirations. BEGIN AGAIN. YES, without wasting to much of time in feeling guilty about ourselves, or cursing the circumstances and people . Just begin again. Once again start it and you will reach the road where you have left it, at a faster rate than before and eventually reach your destination.

Take Step to Start again, its you who is witness of your actions, so don’t worry. Just Begin Again.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Strong Base - Long Race

The deeper the water level, higher is the silence on the surface and the place around it.In the same way stronger is the base of the person about the basics required to walk a certain path longer he can run the race.

You must have definitely seen a Banyan tree, and a Bamboo tree. There is one thing very much common in them, and that is their base is very strong. Their roots are deep, very deep inside the soil. So the main energy to grow comes from within the soil. External factors do not matter, weather it rains or no rain, Hot or cold weather, they are least affected, unlike others who dry up in absence of water. This is a metamorphic example and is debatable.

However the point in the context of which I have shared the above example is, we need to have a strong base , so that we can stand in all conditions, specifically all unfavorable condition. And that is possible when we are strong in our base. What is the base I am talking about?

I am talking about the belief in yourself, the faith that you have in yourself. The strength of your aspiration. The fire of your goals. The constancy of your effort. The sharpness of your focus .The stability of your mind. The clarity of your intentions. The blessings of your mind.
Take some out for your self and see how strong your base is, and how long it will support you to reach your Aspirations 

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Check the tools you have

When ever we, plan to go on a vacation we ensure that we have all the required material with us. So that every thing works fine, and we enjoy every part of it. Do we do the same when we plan about our dreams ???

Very few of us do that and for sure their dreams get fulfilled. Most of us feel it will happen on its own, or will eventually happen some day. What is important is that you should have a time limit set for dreams to achieve. When is that when you want ? One month , 6 months, one year, 3 years, When ?? This should be clear in your mind.

Next very important thing is to check, do you have all that you need to fulfill your dreams in the time that you have set ? Are the circumstances around you, the work you doing right now, the speed at which you doing it, going to take you where you want to go in the time required?
You need to check are you expecting to cover a distance that a plane travels in one hour by sitting in a Car ? Or Are you trying to cut 50 logs in a day with the help of an Axe ? Or you wanna use a cutting tool ? Just cross check you have the right vehicle the right speed vehicle, to reach in time.

Think about it , If you are serious it needs a deep though process to figure out what to do next.

Enjoy your journey


Monday, August 9, 2010

U will Find Time

Time is such a fantastic thing of this universe. Just imagine what it would be if time does not exists. Every thing revolves around time. what we keep on watching every now and then is our wrist watch :) isn't it

Wake up time, breakfast time, office time, lunch time, tea time, shopping time, movie time, diner time, party time, study time, blogging time, reading time, calling time, school time, cooking time- so on and so forth,unending list of things and we still say we don't have time :)

We actually never see what we have, what we do, because we have tendency to think about what we don't have, What we cannot do or what has not been done. And you know what we have Great Time, to give for this kind of thinking. So by now you must have got an idea where our time is going.

The irony is we say we don't have,for the only thing which we have :) think about this. We have almost no complete control on other things and facts of life, we cannot call them completely ours, but TIME its yours. Completely yours,200% you have the right how to use it, what to do in the time you have. When you realize it, I assure you, you will find time for every thing. And you will find enough time to for those things which you actually want to do.

Do you think its a magik,Yes it is and you can perform this magik. Its easy, just one thing required give few moments for yourself every day, just few at the beginning. May be when you are just stepping out of the house, or when you are just having a sip of coffee, waiting at a signal to go green, waiting for the lift, waiting for the meeting to start... give these moments to yourself. Review your day in these times and see, great insights will shine from inside to guide your way to your destination.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Accept Yourself

We always focus on what others are and they have rather than looking at what we have. Its Said and we all know that we are all equal , we all have the same potential within us and there is not even a minute difference in it. Then let it be Bill Gates, or and other business men, or may be you and me.

The difference would be how we look at it or rather what we look at in ourselves. The difference is how much we know our self. You can ask this question, what all do I know about myself? How much am I aware of what I am doing ? Its a few level deep question to be answered to yourself.

Now once you know yourself , Good about you - Enjoy it ,Thank God for all the good in you. How about the Bad part in you ? how you look at it , how you tackle it , first of all do you accept it? Do you accept yourself as you are along with the Good and Bad ? Give a minutes thought to it, and see what comes up for you .

Accepting ourselves is respecting ourselves fully . Be convinced with yourself . Enjoy yourself as you are , and then the magik will stream forth.


Monday, August 2, 2010

Its your Dream that makes you feel contented.

We always feel 98% happy and not 100%, Why ? Have you thought about it. We do all things at work but some where , some time we feel this is not what I want to do , but still have no choice and have to keep doing what you are doing. Thats absolutely fine keep doing it till you actually find a route to do what you want to do. The important thing is we keep our dreams alive and constantly march in the direction to fulfill them. That would be the best way of living a fulfilled life.

Life will be contented if you are able to do what you like and enjoy doing it. There is a constant unstructed Stream of enthusiasm and happiness when you like the work you do,and that is possible when you actually love what you do, also apart from you no one else knows the best what you wish to do :) Life feels successful when your dream comes true. YOur Dream your Aspiration is infact your life.

Its not given to you by any one , its your own wish , your own desire to have it, to achieve it. And you know what? behind each dream there is a purpose hidden that will be beneficial for others. So Go for it . March ahead in the direction of your aspirations.

Make your own path , walk your own path , its yours . You will enjoy the journey.Its this journey of fulfilling dreams that makes you feel contented and that is 100% happiness.


Friday, July 16, 2010

Discover the magik within you .

We always feel , by just closing our eyes, and spreading our hands,some one should just give us what we want and exactly the way we want it. :) We feel some magik is going to happen . Infact we always want some magic to happen .Every thing should come to us easily :) What are you waiting for friend . Whom are you waiting for? Who knows what may happen next .

Wake up and Take charge of yourself, take charge of the magik to make it happen for urself.Be the magik. Each one is been treasured with great powers . What is important is to discover that and create the magik you want . Its possible , and it can happen . Its just a step away to create that magik in you . Think about it , what you want and where you want to go . Make a first step towards it and see how the next step automatically shines forth.
Don’t wait for any body to make the start . It may be too late.

Begin now and let the magik within you take control of things for you .You are a miracle and so have the powers to make miracles happen.

Believe in it and see how things happen for you . Discover the magik within you . Its Yours.

Keep smiling

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Feed Positive

Ya, feed positive , but to whom ? To your stomach, to your family, to your friends, to yourself ,to whom ? I mean to say feed positive to your very powerful source of energy, and that’s your Great Strong and Magnificent mind.

The strongest power in the world, believe it or not, That’s the truth . you must have experienced it at times , and even if you feel you haven’t take it from me , it’s True. You can take charge of everything with the support of your mind.

Before getting support from any thing external, its very important that we take support of the our minds. Its would create wonders once we become befriend with our mind . it is said that, even we have God’s grace and blessings with us, more importantly it is required that we have the grace of our minds. It’s the highest support ever.

So that’s way what is going in our mind what are we feeding our mind is very important. In the endeavor of fulfilling our Aspirations, we should constantly feed positive to our minds. As what we feed will be the output it will give. It happens always , almost 90% of the time that others don’t understand what our aspirations are and where we want to go because each one is unique.Everyone’s destination is not the same . So be with your mind, make it your best friend, feed it positive so that if no one other then its your mind which will sail you across.

All the Best,

Keep Reading the good and powerful.

Monday, June 21, 2010

To fulfil your dreams , you need to wake up

Hi, Great Joy !

Life is full of these joy moments , just bubbling around you , making you feel the best of all . We all want to live life happily ,isn’t it , and our major goal in life is to achieve that by fulfilling our dreams . However most of our dreams just remain as dreams , its just a Dream!

D - Delighted when you see it , in the canvas of your mind .Feels this is what you are here on the earth for .
R - Rare are the chances to achieve it .
E - Emotional Torture , if you don get it .
A – Absolutely required in your life .
M – Makes your life meaningful .

That’s what a dream means to many , and even though we know , we don start , at all from any where to fulfill it . At times we are just comfortable seeing it just in our minds , we just like to dream about it . Oh MEN WAKE UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It’s a new morning , it’s a new day,it’s all new to make everything possible to make your dream come true. WAKE UP, if you want to make your dreams come true, WAKE UP, Take action, START some where, some thing . Don’t wait , what are you waiting for, This is the best time to start, Its just perfect, its the right time . Do something, Take action . Take charge .

Its time to make your dream come true, every one on earth have some purpose , every one have some dream to achieve in his life time . Go for it . Achieve it . And why Not , Definitely you can do it , Is possible, it happens, just dO It . Just March ahead with a burning desire and see how all the required fall at your feet .

All the Best .

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Just knowing is not Enough



In life we know so many things, we have learn't about things how they are,we have experienced about it. At times other share their experience with us, we read books, articles, blogs, do search on Google, we talk about it for hours, and share our thoughts and views. I am not talking about any specific topic here, I am trying to say every thing in general, over all. Things will be different for each individual about which he or she knows.

What I want to say is just knowing is not enough, if you are not able to use it when required. Most of the time we really don't apply any knowledge that we have about things in our lives. We know it and we just keep it with us, don't implement it, and at the end say I knew it, I know this would happen,I know it happens this way, right?

Just knowing its healthy to get up early in morning, its good to be on time, its better to think in advance and plan things accordingly, its good to eat good food, its required to have food on time, its good not to eat junk food, its good to finish work on time, its best to leave office on time, its good to understand things, its required to avoid negativity, its always better to think good, its nice to have knowledge of new things, its always good to be positive, always good to enhance your virtues, its good to give away bad habits,its good not to bite nails,:) so on and so forth, we know all this. We know every thing, but the main question is, do we do what we know? Most of the time the answer is 'NO'.

So to make use of what you know, its important you do it, else just knowing have no value, its just carrying load with us. Its like buying all the required things for our journey, so that we enjoy our journey, keep carrying the luggage everywhere with us, but actually never use it. Its of no use like this, you would be just wasting your time and money in buying it and then consuming your energy in carrying it, without any use. Similarly we read so many things, we do acknowledge its worth, but do we really follow what we like, need to think on it.

Do you use your knowledge ?

Have a great day ahead

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Its as you see it

Hello Friends,

Welcome to my blog,

Great things always happen, whether you are able to see it or not. something around is always good,for few its every thing good, for few its little good , and for some they need to check if any thing good is really happening. But believe it or not its always good.

I feel ,its up to us, how we see it, or how we have learnt to see it.It may be that one see every thing happening around is very good, nothing bad, all situations are just fine and going smooth, or even if not happening , they know its going to be good and this time will go by and they will do something about it.

For some it may be that its just not happening , nothing is happening , because that's how you look at it , its the angle with which you see things , it may be an acute angle or right angle, an obtuse angle may be. :) Its each ones angle of vision how he/she see things.

Some ones angle is 360 degree , some might have 10degree, and so they see or feel things that way. Its individuals goggles what they wear , that things look to them. Green color , will make all green , black color will make all things black. Here i am talking about the googles of our mind.

Being a good persons its always good to know what is our angle of looking at things.This will help us do the required that is important to reach our goal,it will guide us to necessary steps in right direction, when required which will make things happen for us. What ever the angle you have , its not wrong, but it may not be 100% correct also. so its always better to give time to yourself some times or daily if you can nothing like it and have a short chat with yourself at night about the day spent or in the morning about the day you are going to spent. That will make a huge difference. Try it .

Keep smiling ,
Keep Experimenting.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

what we are is our choice

A great Good morning and a warm welcome to you.

You are here because you have chosen this link and clicked ,isn't it. Its your choice, you must have come here on your own or by any other medium. You choose to be here and so you are here.

Well what I want to share in this writing is that, as what we are ,where we are ,how we are is all our choice .What ever it is we made a choice of it . It can be willing of unwilling, even if it is unwillingly , may be recommended, or forced, or pushed, its you who have allowed it to happen . Its you who got pushed or forced to make certain choice, actually its you who gave permission to others to do that. May be at times you are aware of it that it is happening and still let it happen or at times you are not aware of it. But its good to take charge of it when we become knowledgeable.

When we were children we were not aware of most of the things that were happening with us, because we din have knowledge. But now when we can understand things,know good or bad about it we can make right choices, Habits and beliefs that are not supportive , not uplifting should be given away and replaced with better ones.We can make choice , what is beneficial and not just look for things that are pleasurable.
But what ever you choose its your Choice.

Its always good to think one -twice about what we are doing. Is it that we really want to do.Even at times when we don have choice to choose it is better we choose a reason what we are doing it.There is a reason for every thing in this world isn't it.So make a choice to choose the right reason :)

The result of our choices is what we are today , and what we choose today will make our tomorrow.

Since you have the right to choose- Choose the right choice.

Keep reading

Choose to smile

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

If not you then whom ?

Hello friends,

Welcome back to my Blog, Its nice to talk to you in this way. Hope you are doing well in the best possible way. Its you who make things happen for yourself most of the times, don't you think so? Every day duties and commitments and appointments, meetings, you make an effort for it to happen. So Great!!!.

Thank yourself for that, acknowledge yourself for all the things you do, and for all the effort you do for it. And also you try all your best to make things happen for your near and dear ones, to ensure all are happy and things are fine all the time, however in this daily action of making things happen some where, somehow we completely forget, what we actually want. How we have actually decided to live our life and what actually we want to do, or what actually we like to do and spend our time.We get so carried away by our daily routine that we hardly think there can be something else apart form this,or you would like to do. Its just lost, your actual dreams, your aspirations just gets covered under the daily routine.

But just think, think deeply if its not you then who will take care of your aspirations. Do you think there is any one else who would do that? Its you,you need to take charge of things as you are already taking and making then happen in your everyday,in the same way you also need to give time for your aspirations in life to come forth and you need to make it happen, as its your aspiration, your wish, your dream life.

Take a step towards it each day, give it some time, think about it, your aspirations need your attention, they are waiting for you to look at them.

Do what you really want and enjoy it?

Monday, May 17, 2010


Thinking is such a powerful medium, it can make happen any thing. Yes, let it be any, thing it will happen. for some it might happen soon, for some it might happen later. But it will happen.

What ever we do, weather we are aware of it or not we are constantly thinking. Its a nonstop,self emerged pulsation. Well but at times when we get a chance to see what we are thinking,and we need to come out with some thing, its very important that we think Good, think positive, specially when you are thinking about yourself, about your dreams, about your career, about your wishes.

Its obvious that we have to think, we just cant do without it. Then why not think Good. we have a choice for sure, what we think about any thing or any body. we have full control and that's what we need to understand. Think good about everything, every situation, life will show you the right path. All that is required for you for your journey on this planet. All the sources of power and energy will help you and guide you. Thinking good always will enforce so much of positive energy within you that nobody will be able to stop you from achieving your dream. Its true. believe in your self and think good about yourself. Accept yourself and situation as they are and take charge, take responsibility to change it towards the direction of fulfilling your dream.

Thinking good about what you are, about your things, about people around you, will automatically brings smile to your face,which is another great and powerful magnet to take you further to reach your aspirations :)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Take Responsibility

Dear Friends ,

While walking on the journey towards our aspirations , one crucial point to consider is taking responsibility.Responsibility of what?Responsibility of what you are now and what we want to be, and also the responsibility of the path and decisions that we take along the way.

We have the tendency to blame other for our situations, we always say that, this happened to me because of you , because of him , because of her , because of this because of that , well well well - pause for a minute and think about it ,because of him / her /this/ that affected you because you were a part of the situations , it was not just him or her , you were involve in that discussion,
in that fight , in that argument. It means you were equally contributing to the situation to happen.So what happen to you , if not 100% , 50% was your contribution for it to happen . Think about it. Its understood , are not in your control, not required , but you have your control with you , its required , don't let others control you , don let others actions tell you what you should feel. No you have the control to feel what you want to feel.

Just revisit certain situations where you felt bad , accused, cheated, forced to act , criticized etc etc. Just think what could have changed the situation to a better one , what was that one thing which you could have done instead ,which might have change the scenario. Believe me you will definitely find one for sure. But why it didn't happen because we don't take responsibility.Responsibility of how we act and our actions.

So take responsibility and enjoy happiness and lightheartedness always .

Keep reading my blog will share a lot of my personal experience.

Keep smiling , don let any one steal your smile , take responsibility of your smile.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Respect Your Aspiration

Hello Friends,

One more very important thing which I would like to share with you is that its very important to whatever your Aspirations your dreams , your Goals, are - RESPECT them.

They just didn't came in you , it has a very special significance why they are with you. Here it self it says and proves that what ever aspirations you have what ever goals you have , set to achieve they are meant to be only yours and hence you can definitely achieve them. There is no doubt about it. Your Desire to any thing comes from deep inside a sacred place within you , along with the knowledge of doing it , achieving it. Respect IT , Value IT .

Respecting your aspirations , your goals is respecting yourself. Let your aspirations be very high , people would say , you are over dreaming , so what its their thinking , they don know what you can do. Don't give away your aspirations so cheap. Does your dream worth the cost of just two sentences from a person who don have any goal ? Think about it . Your Dream , your Goal is very precious, Respect IT Value IT

Love What You Do

Hello friends,

Was busy last month with a new project and hence could not write .But one thing very important I learnt in last few days is that its very important to Love what you do , let it be any thing , any kind of work you are doing . I will tell you why , because it will keep you happy in the present moment , in the present situation , and that forms a strong base a strong guidance and a strong support for you to be on the path which you actually want to be .

When you are chasing your dreams , make the current situations a medium to reach it . Yes , instead of making a whole new way a whole new path , and start new things , there will always be opportunity hidden within the present and which is most important .

Hence when you love what you have in your hand to do , you get the same thing back from it and also lot of energy and enthusiasm . So being happy , will take you to your destiny .

Stay peaceful with the fire of your dreams live inside you :)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Water Your Aspirations Every Day ……..

For every Sapling to sprout as plant to grow it needs nourishment … it needs nurturing … and protection ……

You need to water the plant adequately to ensure it have enough water to grow .. both upwards and downwards . you need to nurture it by adding required manure , you need to protect it from getting destroyed , by any one , it should not get burnt by excess heat from sun …..  its so important … and you need to do it constantly ….. isn’t it ?…

In the same way you need to take care of your Aspirations , your Dreams , your vision of who you want to be …. It’s a matter of every day … you need to water your aspirations with your positive thoughts , your beliefs , your trust and faith … you need to nurture it by doing right effort to achieve them …. And you need to protect them from all unwanted sources who can suppress your desire to Expel with their negative intensions ……. You need to protect it by giving your blessings to it …. Acknowledging yourself for Aspiring for your Aspiration….

And see how the magik of these golden thoughts polish your being with the light of bright gold light ….. you feel great as you are walking on the right path … The path that YOU have chosen …

Cheers ,

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Happiness is found along the Way not at the end of the road

Wonderful saying .... the thrill and excitement that one has during the journey are more enjoying than the satisfaction of the achievement of your goal.

There are many ups and downs when you walk the road towards your goal .... not easy always ...
Should not be easy always ... else you don’t feel you achieved some thing . The joy of overcoming the obstacles on the way is more satisfying than what you feel when you are actually there .. Isn't It ...

When we achieve , what we remember ... what we share ... not just that we got there ... but we are more excited to tell how we achieved that ... what all you did to reach there ...

We relish the memories of our journey .... the tough times and the blessings that came our way ...

So its always important to enjoy what is here with us now ... accept it fully and enjoy it to the fullest .. Give our best to every situation and make it a very great moment a blessed moment ...


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Follow the Sparks of light

Sparks of light !!!!

yes friends ... when you are on the way to achieve your aspirations ... your dreams ... there is guidence every time .... we just have to be aware of it ...:)

It helps you to ... take right decisions ... do right thing at the right time .. .. and its true .. its like shimmering particles or a clue in maze puzzle which shines so that you solve the puzzle quickly ...

The message can come from any where .. from any thing ... a flower can give you message .. a stone can give you the message .... a unknown person you are traveling with can give you a message , through his/her smile.... people eyes give you a message ...

Be open and you will feel things around you just becoming alive ... sparkling and shining ... giving their blessings and good wishes to you ... making your day alive and happy .. giving you thousands of reasons to smile ... at your destiny ....

You feel fortunate ... and that boost up your courage , your confidence , to achive what you aspire ... Smile spread ... across your face ... and your eyes sparkle ... to embrace the present moment .. the present situation ... and make it the best one of your life ....


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Just Do IT

Just Do iT ....

Yes nothing else but Just do it attitude is more important ... to reach the dreams .. to achieve your aspirations ........

At times I think why are we here on the planet earth ... there would be some reason for sure ... isnt it ... ...

Those who know and identified are lucky ... those who are thinking about it and fortunate ...

We need to do what we are here for ... i.e what we want to do ... what is our dream.....

Are we doing that ...what is required to fulfill our dreams ... or just thinking about it ...

Well thinking about it will feel good ... but there will always be a something ,, unfulfilled desire that will haunt over you .... because when you are thinking about it you have already given birth for a path .. which will lead you to your dreams ....

so what is important is to to walk on it .. take action ... start fulfilling your dream by just starting and taking the first step .....

and then see what happens ...

One thing leads to another ... then to another in a very magical way ....

you know what .. trust me ..

It just happens ....

Monday, February 22, 2010

Think Positive

To catch your aspiration and move further you need a magical thinking ...

The magic Of thinking Differently ........Differently as in what .... I simply mean to say ... Positively ...
Thats it, and the magic Starts working ...

We all have some or the aspiration , a secret wish inside which we want to achieve ... many dot know about it till they die ... some discover it ... they know what they want .. but as they think their goals .. their wish is hard .. and impossible to achieve , we just drop it ... thinking its Not possible... there is no scope for me to do all this at this time .. at this age .... But we tend to forget that when we have the aspiration ... its unique to ourself .... and it has the power in itself to fulfill it ...we need to start thinking positively and ways to achieve it just shines forth ... Its true ... its the magic ... It Happens .... try it yourself ....

when you want to do something and you think its not possilble..... just says its possiBLE ... it can be done and see how the waves of your positive thought ... show you the way ...

Keep smiling ... stay happy !!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

ASPIRATION -- Amazing word

Aspiration !!!!


I am very fascinated by the word and hence made a blog on it :) .

It takes me to pause for a minute and ask me to think and feel how i am in the now
what is the state of my mind ... and how good do I feel ....

And I feel On top of the world to know that ,,, I am doing just as what i want to do ... in this time ... this is just what i wish ... this is what i am here for .... ... it keeps me smiling .. and you know what I feel Great to feel Great !!!! YOu feel very happy ... to know you have taken ACTION ...

you are acting as per your own wish and desire to reach your Aspiration......

Action ... taking charge ... making effort to take the first step is what your aspiration needs to fulfill it and achieve it ..

ACT and ACT now ...

Stay Happy .. Stay Contented ...Stay Smiling ...


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Magik of Your Aspiration

The Important Thing is not where you were or where you are but where you want you Get ...

What is your Aspiration !!!! your True Inner Desire ....... How Much are you in Tune with your Inner Desire you Know It ... Have you Thought about It .... what is it ......

Discover your Aspiration in life ... It will lead you to living life fully and Contented .

Give time to your self to ponder on your life and its purpose ...act towards it and live it .

It will always keep you smiling !!!!
